Corporate Social Responsibility

We are passionate about the communities we operate in and recognise our capability in sustaining our future and improving the livelihoods of those around us.

Crisis Aid

When disaster hits, food, water and medicine are the primary resources that are of immediate need. In rescue operations, our products fulfil the immediate need for food since the noodles are already cooked and can be consumed straight from the packet. Due to this, we are the first on the scene in any natural disaster and consider it our civic duty to aid those in need in Myanmar.

Supporting Flood-Affected Communities in Ayeyarwady Region

Helping to share YumYum Noodle for some flood-affected people in the Ayeyarwady Region

Donation to flood-affected areas in Bago Region and Hlegu Township(October 2023)

We are donated 9,720 packets of noodles to the flood affected areas in Bago Region and Hlegu Township.

Donation by YaThar Cho Industry Ltd. for flood affected people in Amarapura Township, Mandalay(July 2020)

Donation to Mon State Flooding disasters(August 2019)

Donation to Mon State Flooding disasters(August 2019)

Donation For Mon State, Rayy Township, Kyaung Village Flooding Crisis (June 2018)

Donation For Storm Diasters in Shwe Pyi Thar Township( June 2018)

Yatha Cho Industry Ltd. donated 8,100 packets of ramen to the victims of the disaster in Shwepyitha Township, Yangon Region (01.06.2018)

Disaster Victims(August 2016)

In August 2016, we donated food to communities in Naga Self-Administrative Zone who were affected by bad weather, many of whom suffer from infectious diseases

Water filters(May 2008)

To date, we have distributed more than 400 water filters to Bago Division, Ayeyarwaddy Division, Rakhine State and remote villages in Myanmar

Water filters(May 2008)

We distribute water filters to communities who struggle with access to clean drinking water especially during the monsoon season

Water filters(May 2008)

As part of our crisis relief effort in Myanmar, we distribute Sawyer Point One water filters

Water filters(May 2008)

These hollow fiber membrane water filters use medical technology developed from kidney dialysis to quickly and easily yield clean water

Environmental Consciousness

We believe that global warming is a reality. As a business, we have both the resource and responsibility to ensure that our activities bear the least amount of impact to the environment.

Tree planting event jointly organized by Forest Department and Yathar Cho Industry Limited(2019)

Husk Boiler

We installed a husk boiler to replace the burning of fossil fuels and reduce our carbon footprint

Plasma Clean Odour Management System

Our Plasma Clean Odour Management System eliminates odour emitted from the flavouring factory

Waste water treatment system

Waste water from the manufacturing process goes through our water treatment system

Waste water treatment system

Waste water from the manufacturing process goes through our water treatment system

Social Responsibility

We believe that our people are our greatest asset. We ensure that our employees have a homely atmosphere so that they can consider their work as their second home. Particular interest is given to the community in which the business operates in to create a caring and sharing environment.

Donated Yum Yum Instant Noodles to Ministry of Health and Sports(October 2020)

Donated Yum Yum Instant Noodles to Ministry of Health and Sports(October 2020)

Strengthening COVID-19 Response in Communities

We are community partner. As we all know, there's a pandemic virus out there that has struck the world. Let us help one another. We are providing 5,000 face shields with messaging and health information to keep our value customers and communities safe and healthy during COVID-19 crisis.